We all need to reset and refresh sometimes; taking the time to step back and really look at who we are, what we’re doing and where we’re going can provide some really energizing perspective and, often, positive forward progression.
Sometimes, the brand that represents your organization needs a refresh, too. But it’s hard to know where to start – how can you look at your own brand objectively, especially if it’s been in place, unchanged, for a long time?
Here are 3 steps to get you thinking. They’ll help you find out what elements of your brand you want to hold on to as you recognize what is working, what does feel “on brand” and representative of your organization’s values and goals. You’ll also discover what you want to update by recognizing what’s not working; what doesn’t look or sound like you and what your organization is trying to accomplish.
Be honest with yourself in each step and what comes next will fuel positive growth for you, your brand and your business.
Take a long, hard look at your logo; the mark, the text, the colors, any feelings it emotes.
- What do you like about it?
- What made you say, “Yeah, that represents my business and what we’re trying to do!” in the first place?
- What don’t you like about it?
- What’s making you say, “Something needs to change here … “?
- Now think about your logo from your ideal client/consumer’s perspective.
- Does it resonate with them, or are the things you like about it personal to you?
- Are its elements clear and distinguishable, or does it require explanation?
Think about your brand’s overarching mission and compare it to your messaging.
- Are you saying everything you mean to say?
- Are you saying it consistently?
- Is everyone on your team projecting the same message in how they speak and what they do?
- Does it sound polished and professional?
- Does it sound like you want it to?
- Are you reaching your desired audiences?
- Has your mission changed?
Do a quick audit of the platforms that are distributing your message; your website, social media and any print collateral.
- Are they functioning properly?
- How do they look?
- Do they sound like your brand?
- Are they engaging to your audience?
How did it go? Give us a call and let us know. We’d love to talk about it.
Alison Quinn
Creativity, strategy and sparkles: our Creative Director's Big 3. Alison is a self-professed word nerd and lover of marketing that makes you go "whoa!"