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Joel York

Owner + VP of Client Relations

linden marketing joel york

Joel spent his first ten years in New Hampshire before moving to Laramie, Wyoming, the place he really considers “home.” Arriving in Wyoming, Joel’s family purchased land and built the cabin they were living in (yes, as they were living in it) together, log by log. This was the first big project Joel ever saw from start to finish, and the first real project he got his own hands on. From this experience on, Joel learned of his capability to do things for himself, from building a cabin to fixing his own truck and renovating his kitchen, to starting his own video production business and, shortly thereafter, becoming the co-owner of a marketing agency.

Movie Guy

“I could probably fit 20 movies into my Top 5.”

He’s only partly kidding. “Jurassic Park,” “Die Hard,” “The Rock,” “Saving Private Ryan” – these are the titles he’ll name first, but if you start talking about Spielberg or Michael Bay … you’d better grab a beer and sit down. For Joel, all movies are an experience. But what makes them really stand out are big, grandiose visuals, and when there’s a seamless integration of action and storytelling. These are movies in which every moment feels important. As a filmmaker himself, Joel appreciates a meaningful storyline brought to life so beautifully you keep thinking about it days after the credits roll.

Creative & Intentional

If you ask Joel what he likes best about filmmaking, he’ll tell you “all of it.” The whole process. From the initial concept to the shoot to the post-production work that brings the story together.

Joel says “I can’t start a story and not finish it.” Because there’s intention at every step, which ensures each frame has a purpose, that it’s not too long or too short, or too intense or too soft, but balanced, so it holds your attention as well as your emotions, and you want to come along for the ride.

Joel aligns this view with his client relationships, advocating for the importance of each part of the process, from the initial conversation to the final creative work.

“Like ‘Breaking Bad,’ which might be the best show ever created.”

Same, Same

“I like that you get what you put into it.” That’s the best part about being an owner of Linden Marketing. “You’re responsible for the outcome of how successful you are.”

And the hardest part? “Probably the same thing.”

Which is fine because keeping these in balance gives Joel perspective. Like date night: it’s especially important to make time to just be Joel and Maggie, because that’s their foundation. Then, when they have their Business Owner suits on, they can draw on the strength of who they are at the core. (Is this the definition of “power couple?”)

There’s perspective to find in Joel’s love for mac ‘n cheese, too (often a date night order). A box of the orange stuff was a treat when he was a kid. But now, “as an adult, I keep discovering that mac ‘n cheese can go so much bigger.”


Welcome to the Party, Pal.

Number of hats Joel owns. Good thing they're his favorite accessory because he wears many more at Linden.

Different breweries visited, probably. But there was also an Oktoberfest visit to Germany so the numbers aren't as tight as the lederhosen.

How many years it can take Joel to convince Maggie to watch a movie. But she's finally a 90s era action movie Nick Cage fan.

Move to Joel’s beat.

Video production takes a lot of focus. Linden co-owner Joel York shares this not-safe-for-work playlist for those times when you have a good set of headphones and a big job ahead of you.